Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Oh I love my Juab High School

Man oh man I am on one tonight ladies and gents. Lets talk about pride and what It means to have some. We are all born to a spot that we come to call home. It seems as though a hometown means something to everyone at one point in ones life but an interesting thing happens once you hit high school. Your hometown either becomes something your proud of or ashamed of. I am from a little town called Nephi in Juab county. Throughout high school I took pride in being and becoming a Juab Wasp. Now I know that was not the case for everyone tons of kids just didn't like the small town atmosphere and that is okay! What I am not okay with is the kids who use that small town atmosphere as a outlet to blame their problems on it. Just in the past few days I have heard phrases like that "stupid Juab causes all this drama" or "Damn Juab only cares about your last name" or my favorite "some kids love it there (Juab) because their daddy owns the school". COME ON PEOPLE!! how stupid can we get. Lets blame an entire community full of honest good working people on rumors or big mean things one or two people have said about you. What I learned about living in a small town is that words spread fast and rumors will start but in my eighteen years of life living in that town almost every rumor I ever heard was backed by a ton of truth. I am not saying that it is a good thing but if you are so concerned about being free from drama then check your own actions before bashing the name of a place people care about. oh and about the name game let me explain it the best way I have ever heard it. A kid on my baseball team once yelled at my coach  "you just play the name game" to which coach Nielsen replied "damn straight! everyone one of you have a name and I'll put in the name that plays the best" that's the point of a name isn't it? If you think that your name is not good enough to get the respect from a coach or teacher then make a name for yourself! Thats the reason you have one! If your dog, mom, brother, sister, aunt's twice removed step son put a bad mark on your last name then spend your life trying to erase it! And finally "your daddy owns the school" Give me a break! I know who your talking about here. Mr. Robbins is by far the most fair and level headed guys I have ever met. He has gone well above his call as an educator and gives equal and fair opportunity to all of his students especially his own son. Before you speak bad about a place and the people I love please look at your own life and your own bad feelings and see how you can change the person in the mirror. oh and hey remember I think your pretty neat.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Lets put value to nothing

This blog was created for nights like these. Nights when its one in the morning and I have to get up at seven. Its nights where it feels like every thought I've ever thought seem to surface from my subconscious. Filing through the endless meaninglessness brain waves one memory at a time I stumbled upon my subject for this evening. "Worthlessness". You know if you say a word multiple times it seems to lose its meaning but if the word is "worthless" it has no meaning to begin with. Sure you could say well it means to be worth less then something else but if something is worth less then nothing then define how "worthless" nothing is. I know what I am trying to portray probably makes no sense and your probably staring at this computer screen saying "wow Kelton that was deep". Well don't fret my friends it makes sense in my mind and that's all that matters because honestly only three people have read this blog so for all intensive proposes this is for me to keep my sanity. Well back to the topic. I started thinking tonight about looking at worth from a different perspective. What if instead of trying to find my personal worth I start today searching for my worthlessness. To understand this let me explain it this way. In the movie "its a wonderful life" good ol' George Bailey is shown by an angel how awful everyone's life would have been if George was never born. Then at the end George realizes how great he is and he rings a bell angel gets his wings blah blah blah...... Its a very touching story but in all honesty would their lives have been that different. I mean how can you miss what you never knew you had. Unborn George had no worth so since George was nothing he was worthless. The world has us believe that money gives us worth but if we look at money its just fancy paper and worth seems to go out the window. If we start measuring our lives with worthlessness we can humble ourselves from the confusion of worth. Everyone who is born to this earth at some point thinks that they are worth something to someone and that is true but then we spend our whole lives trying to prove our worth. If we lived knowing that we are worthless and replaceable and at any moment we can be taken from this earth it puts things into perspective. We need not prove our worth but disprove our worthlessness. Let us all strive to become something to miss even if we were never meant to be missed. So ring that bell George and remember I think your pretty neat.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Dont you ever grow up

Still living like a kid with Tanner, Kellon, and Teven at warped tour!
A strange thing happened to me last night...... I think I grew up. I walked into snow colleges Hollywood dance so ready to get krunk and to show up every white kid in the room with my sick dance moves, but I was overcome with possessive dark adult spirit. Normally I would look at a sea of people on the dance floor  and map out where I could bust a move, but last night was different. I looked at a small crowd of people huddled together in groups of four or five people all trying to impress one another by seeing which one could jump the highest or shove the hardest. I watched as "grown adults" ranging from eighteen to twenty six years old, act like complete children. As I escorted my date to the dance floor something inside me changed. Just a year ago if there was a dance within twenty miles of my body at any point then you could have guaranteed I would have been there. But as I stood there unable to unleash my inner black street dancer I just wanted to leave. So me and Jessica (my wonderful girlfriend) went back to her apartment and watched youtube videos and then I went home and feel asleep to the evening news on my laptop. It wasnt till this morning that it all hit me at once, I am honestly one mustache away from being my father!  Now don't get me wrong I love my dad he is the hairiest best guy I know, but I don't think I am quite ready to be an adult. What on earth could have changed so quickly inside of me? I would love to say that last night I was off my game and i'll be better come time next dance rolls along but I honestly don't think I will. Being crunched between two sweaty three hundred pound Tongan football players use to sound like a ton of fun but now I would much rather not be covered in other people nasty body water. So have I let down my inner kid? I hope I haven't cause you see when I was a kid everything was fun. My favorite thing to do was build mud volcanoes in the back yard under my tramp. I use to have so much imagination but as the years have passed my adult brain has suppressed the part of me that just wants to be kid. I know that the number to my body requires new responsibilities but I don't think that means I have to let go of the things that use to bring me such happiness. If dances no longer are a fun thing for me to go to then i'm ok with that but what I am not ok with is losing everything I use to love to do. As an adult I hope that all of us can hold onto a little piece of the kid we use to be. Let the inner kid direct you on your quest for fun. Live young and wild and free, and remember I think your pretty neat